About US
We are a non-profit organization founded in 2016 and incorporated in 2019. We conduct medical mission outreach programs include clinics to screen, diagnose, and treat people in underserved areas of the world. Our emphasis is in preventative medicine by holding onsite cardiovascular screening clinics, healthcare education, and overall health and wellness programs.
We are a 100% volunteer-based organization staffed by medical professionals: physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, EMTs, paramedics, and medical assistants. We have volunteers from medical, business, financial, industrial, and clergy. Volunteers serve at their own expenses to participate on our mission trips. In addition to our medical mission clinics when we see a need we respond by involving other individuals and organizations to provide these services. These services could be to provide clothing, meet special medical needs, provide children’s educational supplies, work with community safety & education personal, provide medical equipment, and other services.
Jamaica is where we started. Over many years of visiting Jamaica our medical director identified a lack of access to healthcare. Medical treatment in the country is problematic and preventative care is virtually nonexistent, even though it is free. Often problems go unaddressed until advanced stages are reached.
Jamaica is a country of moderate poverty and the resources are lacking. Physicians, working for the public health system are over-burdened by the number of patients. Simply, there are not enough healthcare providers for the number of patients. In the Negril region of the country where we serve the Jamaicans barely make enough money to meet their daily needs and cannot afford medical care with a private physician.
Josh a cabinet maker in his early 50’s who lived and worked at the end of the lane where our medical director, Susan Bartsch, stayed on our visits to Negril. She and her husband did not stay in the resorts; instead they would reside in the community with the Jamaicans. Often while visiting Susan would perform health exams for the locals and this is when she met Josh. He asked Susan to check “his pressure”. Much to her surprise, Josh’s blood pressure was quite elevated. He was not taking any medications; he didn’t have any money to see a doctor, and couldn’t pay for medications. Susan checked his blood pressure the next day and it was even higher. After a concerned discussion and lots of encouragement, Susan told Josh he would end up having a stroke or be put on dialysis if he did not get his blood pressure under control. On the third day, when she was looking for him, his workers told her that she had scared him enough that he went to see a doctor.